• I feel I know more about navigating the Great Lakes to the Atlantic via the St Lawrence Sea Way / River than any non-boat person should.

  • Roadside tree clearing happening, I suspect to reduce wildfire fuel near the highway.

  • Somehow I feel that new car owners don’t quite have the joy of refilling all the different car fluids themselves. 😆 Am quite grateful for Dad teaching me the mechanics of cars long ago.

  • The fight scene at 18:00 in Roadhouse (2024) makes the whole movie worth watching.

  • Wisdom from 1989

  • Doodles from Zoë

  • Carpet closeups

  • Walking out of my apartment this morning, I heard an argument happening across the hall. I stood listening, filling with sadness. Their words were difficult to hear, being similar words to those Jonathan and I would sling at each other. I know how this story ends, and I am sad for the two of them, knowing the path they are on.

  • Going through boxes of stuff, came across two pages from a book, with words I did not know circled.

    propitiate: to win favor of someone by doing something that pleases them

    somnambulic: sleepwalking-like state

    And now we both know these words.

  • New baby black!

    black lamb behind a fence

  • So this just happened.

    Image: chickens in the back yard.

  • Today’s berming supervisor, checking progress.

  • To no one’s surprise, 🐑19 loves broccoli 🥦

    sheep reaching for a broccoli stalk

  • Today I learned how the neighbor moves the sheep between yards. 🐑

    walking man holding a bucket of grain with two sheep following, one with her head in the bucket

  • Boop is more than a little big now. 🐑

  • New ram next door. I wonder what next seasons’ lambs will look like.

    large male sheeplarge male sheep

  • This handsome guy seems to want to play hide and seek.

  • Hooboy, this girl gave me a scare. She was sleeping in the shade, I saw no movement.

    Fortunately, she perked up when I stepped outside to check on her. 🐑

    sheep lying in half shade

  • The branches satisfy! 🐑🌳🍃

    eight sheep around a pike of branches with leaves

  • Full yard!

  • New neighbor! How now, Brown Cow?

    I’m always sad when I see solo animals in yards. Two often isn’t that much harder than one (though can be!), and a companion can dramatically improve an animal’s quality of life.

    brown cow behind a fence

  • Stella! 🐑 🍊

  • And…. up! 🐑

  • Managed to sneak a carrot to Stella before the others swooped in. 🥕🐑

  • Squeeeee! A baby black in my yard! Yay! 🐑

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